Wednesday, October 24, 2012


When I was in high school, one of the drama club field trips was to New York to see "Rent" on Broadway.  I new nothing about the show before going.  After the show, I was changed.  It was an amazing emotional show.  Since then I have had a special attachment to the show.  Whenever I start feeling numb inside or just need an emotion boost, I listen to the soundtrack.  Even when I don't realize I need it.  There have just been moments in my life where I just need to listen to it.  Something is drawing me to it.

Over the past couple of months, "Rent" has been on Starz.  I randomly find it about a half hour before it's over.  After it had happened a third time of finding it on Starz before it was over I felt compelled to listen to the soundtrack.  I guess the universe knew I needed to listen to "Rent" even though I didn't.  So last night I started to listen to the soundtrack on my way home from work.  It was definitely getting my emotions going.  Then came the song "Another Day".  That song started to resonate in me.  The lines Mimi sings really hit me:

"The heart may freeze
Or it can burn
The pain will ease
If I can learn

There is no future
There is no past
I live this moment
As my last

There's only us
There's only this
Forget regret
Or life is yours to miss

No other road
No other way
No day but today"

This song just made me cry.  No matter how bad things can seem at times, it will get better.  Don't focus on the future too much and don't live in the past.  Only live for today, live for the moment.  Have no regrets and cherish what you have because the ones you love will always be there.  Take the path you were meant to be on and don't look back.  Enjoy the journey even if it can be hard.  Don't fear the future, focus on the here and now.  It is such a powerful song.  It was just what I needed.

Another great song is "Seasons of Love".  So I thought I would share:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween Prep Update

So my Halloween costume arrived a few days ago.  I was very reluctant in trying it on.  I was afraid it wouldn't fit or I would look funny.  After about two hours, I gave in to put it on.  To my surprise it fit.  But I wasn't too happy with the way it looked on me.  However when my wife saw me in it she cheered me up.  She said it fit perfectly and looked great.  She said she was jealous of how good I looked in it.  I am going to take her word for it since most times when I look in the mirror, I'm not happy with what I see.  So I have decided I am going to wear the costume.

Last post I was worried about who I could get to do my hair and makeup.  I didn't want to ask one of my friends since she was the one throwing the party and I didn't want to bother her.  So I asked another friend who is a hair dresser if she would do my hair.  She was very excited I asked.  She of course said yes.  I can't wait to see what she can do with my hair.  I was still worried about doing my makeup.  Then on Saturday morning my friend (who is the one throwing the party) texted me.  She was offering to do my makeup and hair.  I told her that I already had our mutual friend doing my hair, but would love for her to do my makeup.  She is the one who did my makeup for the first time.  I am so excited she is going to take the time from the party prep to do my makeup.  I can't wait to see the results.  Also I get to have some great girl time.  I can not wait.

Now the following has nothing to do with Halloween, but had to share.  I am very proud of my wife.  She just got a promotion at her work.  She will be doing the same work as she has been, but her title will match the work she is doing.  That also means a raise.  That will definitely help us out more financially.  So once the raise kicks in, the financial stress should be a little less.  This will also mean she makes more than me.  She is the bread winner now.  Our roles are truly reversed.  But even if there was no raise, I am very proud of my wife.  She works so hard and deserves this.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Halloween is slowly approaching.  I am very excited for it this year.  I get to be me in a costume I want to wear.  I'm going to be the Queen of Hearts from "Alice in Wonderland".  My wife is going to be Alice.  Here is a pic of my costume:

I wonder if I can get my hair to look like that.  It might be long enough now.  Just got to find a friend to help me with my hair and make-up on the day of the Halloween party.  The one I would have asked is the one throwing the party and she's gonna be too busy getting ready for the party and playing hostess.  I just can't wait.  I also bought some inserts for my bra to give me an extra boost.  Hopefully I will have some pics to share after the party.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Interesting Weekend

So this weekend was interesting.  It started with Saturday, my wife and her mom were going out shopping all day and her father had to work all day.  Once they all left I thought it would be a good time to practice make-up and spend most of the day at home as a girl.  So I got my makeup out and started applying it.  I think I did much better with my eye shadow (sorry no pics this time).  After I got the makeup on I got dressed in my favorite push-up bra, a ribbed turtleneck, black tights, and a jean skirt.  I had a lot to do around the house and figured I would do it as my true self.  It was great.  At least until around 1pm.  I decided to go outside for a smoke.  As I was opening our back door, one of our cats (Jack) was lying in wait and bolted out the door.  He is an indoor cat and is only allowed outside when he is in a harness and leash (we live on a dangerous road and my wife and neighbors have lost cats to the road so we keep them on leashes).  So now I'm freaking out.  I'm all dressed as a girl with makeup on and our cat has escaped.  I am not out to our neighbors and really did not want to deal with that at the moment.  So I rush upstairs and quickly change into jeans and throw on a sweat shirt then run into the bathroom and try to quickly wash the makeup off, while hoping the cat did not wander far or get lost.  So that set me back a bit.  I wish I was out and didn't have the fear to hide.  If anything bad had happened to Jack, I don't know what I would have done.  So Saturday started great and ended badly.

Now onto Sunday.  Sunday was an interesting day.  The reason my wife and her mom were out shopping on Saturday was to get dresses and accessories for our upcoming Disney Christmas cruise.  Now Sunday we all were going out to Men's Warehouse to get her father and me suits for the cruise.  They were buy one get one free so I was getting a free suit.  I was very off with the whole thing.  Not sure why, but everyone could tell something was up.  I guess part of me, just didn't like the thought of getting a suit.  I would have much rather have gone the day before and gotten a dress, but that definitely wasn't gonna happen.  One, my in-laws only know I'm out as a cross-dresser, not a transgender woman.  They don't understand transgender.  They only grasp that some people like to cross-dress in the privacy of their homes, not that some people (like me) know they were born in the wrong body and need to transition to the correct physical gender.  Plus not being fully out and comfortable being fully out, there would be no way of me being a woman for the cruise.  So I sucked it up and got a suit and will wear the suit for the cruise.  Not that I have anything against suits, it's just a reminder of my maleness.  Everyone thought I looked amazing in the suit.  So that was a plus. And after the suits we went shopping for shape wear for my mother-in-law, so I got to show some of my femininity with my knowledge of shape wear.  My wife and I discussed this a bit last night.  We decided to help with my dysphoria on the cruise when I'm wearing the suit, I'm gonna be wearing a very low profile bra (ie no one will be able to tell that I'm wearing it) and some very feminine lace thong panties.  And I'll be wearing my boots (which of course are woman's) and maybe I may wear tights under my pants.  So what people see will be male, but what's underneath will be all feminine.  I just look forward to the day when I can be the one who gets all dolled up:  Makeup, earrings, necklace, evening gown, heels and having my hair all done up.  Someday.

Friday, October 12, 2012

National Coming Out Day

Slowly over the past 10 months I have come out to small select group of friends and family about being a transgender woman.  With yesterday being National Coming Out Day, I spent most of the day debating whether or not to come out to more friends.  At 6pm, I made my decision.  I came out to 50+ of my friends on facebook.  I felt it was time to widen the circle of those who know.  Again I was amazed at the love and support I received from them.  I am so blessed for having the friends I have.  It gives me hope that when I am fully out, I may be accepted by all.  I just want to cry tears of joy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Understanding trans (by MissJessicaSmith)

Original Link:

It’s strange to me to think about the fact that I was born trans.
I can accept that I was born with blue eyes, brown hair, and a cute smile. I can accept that I was born intelligent, that I was born to a mother and a father, that I was born in the United States, that I was born with the correct number of fingers and toes. 
All of those things are things I can see, things I can verify, proven things that myself and everyone else has acknowledged. 
But that I was born trans, that doesn’t seem to fit into that same pattern. I know it’s true, because I’ve been this way since I can remember. I know there wasn’t some moment, or trauma, or event that changed me from a cis male into a trans female. That never happened, this is just who I am.
To be born with completely incongruent physical and mental identities, to me that doesn’t make any sense. Truly, I can’t even come up with any comparable examples. It just doesn’t happen. In almost every human being, and most likely in every other animal, your brain and your body are one. You are your body, you are your mind, you are just you. There’s no need to second guess, or doubt. You don’t ever look at your body and think “This is just a shell. This isn’t me, this is just what people see me as.”
For example, many people have low self-esteem because of their appearance, be it their weight, or their height, acne, hair color, nose, freckles, or anything else you can think of. They feel like they are a worse person because they see their body as being inferior. But their body is them, it’s one and the same, so when the see their body as bad, they themselves are bad.
And this true with trans people as well, we are not immune to the same worries, doubts, and loss of confidence due to the normal spectrum of body image insecurities.
But we also have another issue, that causes even more emotional turmoil than these ‘normal’ insecurities. We have the constant feeling, the constant thought and understanding that ‘this isn’t me’. It’s not that these aspects aren’t what society says they should be, they may or may not be but that is not the point. The point is that they aren’t right. They shouldn’t be here. As if I were to look at my hands and have lobster claws, instead of hands. My brain would instantly reject it, because it’s incorrect. My brain knows what I should have at the end of my forearms, and it’s certainly not claws. So when a trans person looks at their body, and generally any part or aspect of their body, they see an incorrect shell. 
And who are you supposed to be then? We don’t have anyone to model ourselves off of. Cisgender people do not carry a book or a guide of who they are, to identify themselves. They just know what they should look like, how they look like, what they want to be, how they want to act, and everything else. They are themselves, and so they will be themselves.
Transgender people don’t have that luxury. We not only start from scratch, with nothing, we have to create our identities while rejecting our old identities. We have to try to decipher what gender roles we were forced into, what gender roles we want to put upon ourselves, and what gender roles we will fit into when we transition, even if we don’t want them.
We have to decide what we will look like, to the extent we can. Do we want surgery? Hormones? Should I grow out my hair, or cut it? Should I wear makeup, or should I not? Most of us do this in the absolute privacy of our own lives, we don’t have people we can get feedback from.
We experiment with ourselves with no rules, no guidelines, no methodology. We just try to find the look, and the feel, and the identity that will give us the feeling that cisgender people get everyday without ever realizing it. The feeling that when we move, we talk, we act, and when we look in the mirror, we see ourselves.
So I do understand when cisgender people say they don’t understand us. I don’t understand us. I don’t understand how this could happen, that the mind and body could have such a disconnect from each other. But I live this disconnect every day. I’ve adapted to it, as humans are wont to do. It impacts me in every single way, permeating every moment, every aspect of my life, day to day and year to year.
But I don’t think I will ever understand how or why I was born this way. I just was.

TransWhat? (link)

Looking for a good all-purpose site to direct family members, friends, co-workers, lovers and allies to in their search for understanding and terminology... start with

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Been a While

It has been almost a month since I last posted.  Life has been busy and my transition had stalled.  At first my transition started like a runaway freight train, but then it stopped and has been hard to get it moving again.  But it is slowly, very slowly moving again.  Over the past month I have only partially dressed at home.  Mainly changing into a skirt when I got home from work.  However Sunday night I did get to practice putting on makeup.  I was letting fear talk me out of it, but my wife gave me a push.  It took about 30 mins to apply and only had it on for about 15 mins, but it was progress.  Here are two pics of the results:

According to my wife it looked good for going out a night.  Really need to learn to be more subtle with my makeup.  But practice makes perfect right??

Oh and my wife and I have come up with what our costumes will be for Halloween.  We are sticking to an Alice in Wonderland theme.  She's going to be Alice and I'm going to be the Queen of Hearts.  Here is a pic of my costume (if we can afford to get them):
I've got less than a month to buy the costumes and get the nerve to wear this one.  I think I can, I think I can.  And at least makeup wise I can do it for nights. :)
