Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Quick Update

Here's just a quick update on what's been going on:

I have been on Spiro for 3 weeks now and estrogen for about 2 weeks.  My wife and I have definitely noticed a change in my behavior.  I'm not as apprehensive as I was.  I'm I bit more relaxed.   With that I have been trying to quit smoking.  So far so good.  I have been on a nicotine patch for almost 2 weeks.  And surprisingly haven't cheated.  That is huge for me as I usually cheat when on the patch.  As for other changes, I think I'm noticing some subtle changes in my face.  Also when I shave with a straight razor, my beard doesn't grow back as quick as it used to.  Also I think I'm noticing my butt getting a little bit more shapely.  It all could be in my head with wishful thinking, but who knows those changes could be happening.  That's all for now.  I really gotta get my wife to start taking pics of me once a week so I can have a photo diary of my progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bryce!

    I can tell you from personal experience that the calmness was the very first thing I noticed. I was always angry before starting HRT (a male's testosterone level will have that effect on a female brain!), and that went away quickly as well.

    The first physical change I noticed was that I became cold very easily. I'm not very big, so that was definitely part of it. But my motto is now layers, layers, layers!

    I have a very heavy beard, alas, so this gal has been getting electrolysis and laser to get rid of those evil things. And being Irish and scrawny, I have no butt to speak of. ;c) (My friend C, who is a GG and a fellow Irish lass, jokingly refers to us as the Skinny Bitches. lol)

    Good for you for not smoking too! That will help your transition immeasurably.

    The pictures are a good idea. Other people will likely notice the changes before you will. My friends were stunned over the holidays when I showed them pictures of me from just before HRT (in November 2011). I think I've changed a bit, but one life-long friend whom I hadn't seen in over a year literally sat down next to me and didn't realize who I was for a full ten seconds. Now *that* was interesting! lol

    Thanks for the update, girl, and best of luck with the smoking! You're doing great!


