Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another Step

Last night I took another step in my journey of transitioning.  I had my first therapy session.  I was very nervous.  I am very introverted, so talking about myself is not easy for me.  My wife came with me as my transition affects her too.  The session went better than I thought it would.  As it went on I started to feel more comfortable talking.  I was actually a little disappointed when the session ended.  I look forward to my next session in a couple weeks.  I feel this will help open up the communication lines with my wife and I am looking forward to being more comfortable talking about myself and being myself.  My therapist gave me a few "homework" assignments between sessions: find and try a support group (to be able to talk with other people going through what I am and to start going out as a woman.  I'm not sure I'm ready yet to go out in public as a woman, but I think to get to that point I need to hang out with my friends as a woman.  Unfortunately this weekend I can't due to other plans, but maybe next weekend I can convince some of my friends to get together and I can present myself as a woman at one of their houses. 

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