Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Decided To Be Daring

This morning my wife had to go in really early to work.  So I got her up at 5:15am.  I tried to roll over and go back to sleep after waking her, but my mind turned on and wouldn't let me.  Since I was up really early anyway I figured it would be a good day to stop by and check on a friend's house on my way into work (she's on vacation and I have been stopping every other day to get her mail and make sure the house was ok). Seeing how I was not going directly to work and was going to be going somewhere with no one around, I decided to be a bit daring and go to her house dressed in a skirt, my new teal tank top, heels, hoop earrings, hair down, and push-up bra.  I was all girled out.  Leaving the house my heart was racing as I hoped not to be seen by my neighbors.  They are young redneck grease monkey types and I have no idea how they would treat me seeing me dressed as a girl.  But I got in the car with no one seeing me and headed to my friend's house.  It felt so comfortable being dressed the way I was.  I wish I could dress like that all the time, but still not out at work (may never be out at work due to the type of company I work for).  I got to her house and got out of the car.  I mustered up a lot of confidence to walk to her mail box and get her mail and go in her house.  No cars passed by so all was good.  Not getting many chances to dress like this, I figured I'd enjoy a few more moments and went out to her back yard and had a cigarette.  I caught a glance of my reflection in the sliding glass door.  I nearly fell over.  I thought I really looked good.  Very passable, especially since I couldn't see my ever so present five o'clock shadow.  Finished my cigarette and it was time for me to change into my normal work clothes and head to work.  Kinda sad, but at least I had a few moments as myself.

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