Monday, July 2, 2012

Coming Out: Part 2

Yesterday I came out to my sister.  Again, just like everyone else, she said she kind of already knew.  And she was ok with it.  She joked that she always wanted a sister.

In the past few weeks, I have come out to a majority of my friends, my parents, my sister, and my in-laws.  All have been accepting and supportive.  I have merged my Google+ account with my blogger blog.  I have updated my email address to my real email address on my blog sites.  It feels like a weight has been lifted.  No more hiding who I really am, for the most part.  As of now, I am not coming out at work and I am not coming out to certain family members.  For work, I work for a small company that is kind of like an old boys club.  Even though it is illegal in CT to discriminate against transgenders, I fear that they would still find a way to make my life a living hell and maybe even find another way to fire me.  For certain family members, they are very old school religious (my grandmother and great aunt especially).  I know they would not understand and would go on and on how I would be going to hell.  Plus with my parents living next to both of them, I know my grandmother and great aunt would cause extra added stress on my parents and they already get enough from them.  I'm ok with them not knowing.  I can at least hide it from them for a while.  I'm not sure what will happen when I start HRT.  I hope I can still hide it from both work and my certain family members.

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