Monday, December 17, 2012

Been Awhile

I know it has been a while since I have written.  Life and work have been busy for me.  Now to try to remember what has happened since last I wrote... hmmmm.

I've talked to my mom more about my transition.  Tried to explain it better for her to understand.  She is slowly understanding.  She is still fearful of my grandmother and great aunt finding out.  They are very religious and very old school.  Showed her the picture of me standing at the train station on my way to the pride parade in NYC dressed as a woman.  She seemed to handle it ok.  She made me show my father, he was hard to read on what he thought.  She also told my sister about the picture and so I showed her the pic last week.  She thought I looked cute.  She loved the shoes I had on.

A couple of weekends ago I got to hang out with my friend M.  We haven't hung out in several years but have been chatting on Google+.  My wife, myself, her and her fiance went out to dinner and then hung out at their place.  It was nice catching up over dinner.  This is the first time I got to really talk with her fiance.... he is really nice and easy to talk to.  After dinner we went back to their place to hang out.  M had me bring my makeup stuff with me so she could help me with some makeup techniques.  She was a big help.  We took the lesson nice and slow.  She had me apply the makeup while she explained how to apply it and why to do it a certain way.  I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.   I haven't had a chance to practice since then, but it is still fresh in my mind.  But if I forget she has offered to show me again, any time I need it.  The makeup techniques she showed me were more of a natural everyday makeup instead of a going out at night makeup. The makeup came out good.  She didn't have me apply much foundation or powder, which I think I need to apply more than normal right now since I have such a heavy five o'clock shadow.   Can't wait to practice more.  After the makeup lesson we sat and talked.  Getting caught up from the years apart.  Can't wait to hang out with her and her fiance again.  I hope we don't lose touch again.

January 4th is approaching quickly.  That is my first appointment with an endocrinologist to see about starting hormones.  I am scared and excited about this.  Excited that I'm taking the next step in my transition to be who I really am.  Scared that once the hormones start working and I start having visible changes that I will have to be fully out and still not sure how work will react.  Technically they can't fire me over it since we are in CT and there are anti discrimination laws against firing someone who is transgender.  Still scary, but I need to take this next step.

Well, that's all I can think of right now.  I will probably not get a chance to write again until after my endocrinologist appointment.  If I don't Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear from you, and to see that you're making progress. Next year is going to be a big one! :c) In the meantime, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year right back at ya!!!


