Ever sit and wonder what your purpose in life is. Like what path to take. What are you passionate about? Are you passionate about anything? Off and on I ask myself that. Then not too long ago it hit me. I felt a huge wave go over me. I think I have finally discovered my path in life, my passion. Something my heart is telling me I need to do. It may sound crazy or impossible, but I think with a little support and a lot of heart, anything can be possible.
I want to start a foundation and a private boarding school for LGBT youth. A place where those who were kicked out of their homes for being themselves can go. Anyone who reaches out in need, no matter where they live, the foundation will pay for them to get to the school. It would be a place to live and go to school. A safe place where kids would have a warm bed, food, clothes, and get an education. They would have access to therapy and medical care, if needed. They will have a place to be themselves with no fear. They would have a supportive environment.
I would really like this idea to become a reality. I read of so many stories where parents kick their kids out for being LGBT. And they don’t have anywhere to go. They end up dropping out of school and living on the streets. This saddens me so much. I need to help. This is where my heart is drawing me.
There are still a lot of details to work out and this is just beginning. It will take a lot of time, but I really feel I need to do this... one way or another.
What a lovely idea! Kudos to you, hon. I hope you can make this a reality. :c)